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Changing Lives | Creating Futures
Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes

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Step Down Service

The Step Down Service is a partnership between Service Six and Milton Keynes CAMHS to support young people either at risk of admission or during the discharge process from Mental Health Inpatient Units. The service is designed to give young people a safe space to access emotional wellbeing support, gain coping & life skills and techniques to help them to avoid feeling in crisis.

When             by appointment                                                                 

Where            across Milton Keynes and at Chapter House


Please contact Katie Byrne on 07850 916600 or for more information or to book a place.

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You can Support Service Six at any level

Whatever you can afford to donate will make a real difference. £5 could fund an arts and craft session for three children/young people. £900 could pay for an individual therapeutic programme for sexually abused children.